Leonardo AW189

Nº of passengers: up to 16

Cruising speed: 155 kts - 287 km/h

Flying range (without reserve fuel): 600 nm - 1.111 km

Endurance: 5h40min

Configurations: IFR/Offshore

The AgustaWestland AW189 is a twin-engined, medium-lift helicopter manufactured by Leonardo.

It is derived from the AW149, and shares similarities with the AW139 and AW169.

  • Telephone
    +55 21 3478-1400

  • SAC

  • Address
    Av. Paisagista José Silva Azevedo Neto nº 200,
    Bloco 3, Sala 403, Condomínio 02 Corporate &
    Offices - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro RJ