Airbus EC135

Nº of passengers: up to 5

Cruising speed: 124 kts - 230 km/h

Flying range (without reserve fuel): 342 nm - 635 km

Endurance: 3h35min

Configurations: IFR/Offshore/E.M.S/External cargo

The EC135 is a twin-engine helicopter which is easily navigable, putting it at an advantage compared to the other aircraft in its category. Its cutting edge technology provides greater resistance and range, enabling it to be used for a wide diversity of missions.

The EC135, in its category of aircraft, is the twin-engine helicopter with the greatest capacity to transport the largest payload, for longer distances. The access to the cabin through large doors, combined with its low noise level, makes it an excellent choice for operations to rescue the sick and transport to hospitals in densely populated areas.

  • Telephone
    +55 21 3478-1400

  • SAC

  • Address
    Av. Paisagista José Silva Azevedo Neto nº 200,
    Bloco 3, Sala 403, Condomínio 02 Corporate &
    Offices - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro RJ