Airbus H135

Nº of passengers: up to 5

Cruising speed: 110 kt

Flying range (without reserve fuel): 300 nm

Endurance: 2h40

Configurations: Passenger

The Airbus H135 is a small twin-engine helicopter capable of flying under instrument flight rules (IFR). The aircraft was developed to operate in very adverse weather conditions and has a Fenestron-type tail rotor, engines with FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) capability and Helionix avionics. It also has the Part Time Display function, which briefly shows all the flight parameters, enabling the pilot to make quick assessments and reduce the workload. The aircraft also has a low-noise system and autopilot.

  • Telephone
    +55 21 3478-1400

  • SAC

  • Address
    Av. Paisagista José Silva Azevedo Neto nº 200,
    Bloco 3, Sala 403, Condomínio 02 Corporate &
    Offices - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro RJ